Friday, April 15, 2011

My Personal Macchu Picchu

Okay, so one of the "impossible" things in my life now and quite frankly has always been is exercising.  My attitude towards this particular torture necessity has been one of great imagined victory and little to no physical follow through.  Example:  I am imagining myself gracefully running a 5k, my strides long and lean, my physique matching those strides.  Confidently crossing the finish line smiling and ready for the next challenge.. hiking Macchu Picchu maybe?  Reality.  I set the alarm clock to go to the gym; I WILL go in the morning and start my day off with exercise!  6am. Hit snooze. 6:07am. Hit snooze. 6:30am. Feel irritated because I didn't actually sleep during the snooze button and now it is pointless to go because I don't have much time when I get there.
  Am I alone in this?  *Sigh*  I even ordered exercise DVDs through SwapaDVD and tried the Dance Your Way Slim only to find that I still have no rhythm and the videos still move so fast assuming that you have been dancing since the age of three...(which I haven't since my grandmother prayed to God that I would lose my ability to dance at roughly that age. True story!) the Apostle Paul I must beat my body and make it my slave (1 Corinthians 9:27)!   Why?  Well because I know that God has bigger things planned for me!  As I draw closer to Him and seek His will and desires for my life I will be given more to accomplish and I need to be physically fit to fulfill all that He has for me to do.  Who knows, I may actually need to hike Macchu Picchu someday and wouldn't it be a sad thing if instead of savoring such a moment I would instead be concentrating on how ill-equipped I am for such a journey?
  For now my personal Macchu Picchu is simply getting into a routine of daily exercise.  Praise God that with HIM all things are possible!

By the way, Macchu Picchu is a three to four day hike at 12,010 feet above sea level.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Musings on the Impossible

Impossible: not possible; unable to be, exist, happen; unable to be done, performed, effected; incapable of being true; not to be done, endured, etc., with any degree of reason or propriety; utterly impracticable; hopelessly unsuitable, difficult, or objectionable

  Some days it all seems impossible; dirty dishes, dirty laundry, cranky baby, supper needs made.  All part of your average daily checklist but somehow right now you just feel like crawling into bed, going to sleep and hoping it will magically take care of itself.  Forget the monumental challenges that are on your bucket list, you'd just like to have 20 minutes of complete peace and quiet!
  Lately I have been feeling that pull of trying to get it all done so I can "rest" tomorrow or next week only to find that the next day and week are just as full of things that need accomplishing.  At our monthly Ministry Coordinaters meeting today Pastor Mike talked about rest.  He pulled out that the original meaning in the Bible didn't actually mean "to do nothing" but it was speaking of being in a position of work that you were fulfilled in.  He told us that in Genesis where it says that "God placed Adam in the garden" placed was the same meaning as rest!  And in 1 Corinthians 12:18 it tells us that God has placed us in the body as He sees fit.  In short (and without having been able to take notes to be more accurate as to what exactly Pastor Mike said), when we are in the position that God has placed us we will be at peace and proper rest; when we attempt to take on things in our own strength we become overwhelmed and stressed.

  This totally made sense to me!  I feel like there are essentually two types of work, there is work that is hard but you feel accomplished and fulfilled when the day is done and there is work that could actually be considered "easy" but you feel complete frustration and cannot wait to get away from it.  The first is doing what you like, love , or is actually a labor of love for someone else.  The second is done only out of necessity or force either for pay or out of obligation that is in no way tied to your desire to do what is asked.

This is not the first time recently that it has been brought to my attention that I need to seek God's will in every aspect of my life.  If I am to remain at "rest" in Him, the only position I can be in is the one He placed me in.  I am learning that before I commit myself to anything I need to stop and ask Him if that is what He wants me to do.  If it is then I will have all the energy and resources I need to complete the task, if not then I will be frustrated, frazzled and unable to properly do the things He has called me to do.